Enchanted Mesa or Mesa Encantada
is a sandstone butte in Cibola County, New Mexico, United States, about 2.5
miles northeast of the pueblo of Acoma. It was home of the Acoma people until a
massive landslide and severe storm completely demolished the only
approach. There are no longer any ruins
on the flat top. The butte is 430 feet high, 1,250 feet long and only 400 feet
wide, at its widest. The elevation at the top is 6,643 feet. It is believed
that massive cliffs are formed by the Zuni Sandstone and the butte is topped by
the Dakota Sandstone.
In 1892 The Charles F. Lumins
visited Acoma and express the story of Acoma People life style on Enchanted Mesa. The access from southern side to top with a
large piece of butte had spalled off and formed a ramp called stone ladder up
to the top. So, there main source was their fields, springs, and water source
were in the valley. Therefore, once the
summer season start, the entire village descends into the valley to tend the
crops. So, once an unfortunate day, a
severe thunderstone washed away the stone ladder leaving only sheer rock faces
all the way around the butte. Only one young boy and three old women did not
leave in the village, which couldn’t get down nor could anyone else get back to
the village.
A giant thunderbird swooped down and scooped up the four and
carried them to the valley floor. The Acoma people abandoned Enchanted Mesa and
moved to White Rock Mesa, now called Acoma. In 1897, Professor Williams Libbey
from Princeton University climbed Enchanted Mesa, where he spent two to three
hours in exploring, however he didn’t find anything ruins or artifacts.
Moreover another archaeologist
Frederick Webb Hodge didn’t believe Libbey findings, and he went on expedition
in 1897 and found evidence of occupation, arrow points, stone tools, beads and
pottery fragments lodged in crevices. He said, main ruins had been washed over
the edge by many centuries due to massive thunderstorms. In 1974, an Acoma
police officer claimed, that he had seen a UFO over Enchanted Mesa, which was
later confirmed by other police officers, a red light, fast than any aircraft.
So, a helicopter was sent to top of Enchanted Mesa to find the evidence of UFO,
however no direct evidence was found.