Showing posts with label Belarus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Belarus. Show all posts

Thursday, 14 September 2017

The Scariest House, Decorate With Skulls and Devils Hand

A horrible house made up with dozen of black skulls and devil hands in the town of Ratmoka. It is located just 5 kilometers from the Belorussian Capital of Minsk. The house is made in an unusual design; seems the owner was impressed by the temple in Prague - the Kaplica Czaszek. Normally, people don’t like this idea of house and move quickly to the other side. Because, it is not particularly pleasing to go when black hands stick out of the wall. Although, the residents of this area, complaints to the local authorities about it, requesting that the devils and skulls were terrifying children and even adults walking by after dark, but they haven’t done anything about it yet.
From distance, the house looked quite unique, even looks like a fairytale castle. Hence, when got closer and saw scariest hands & skulls out of the fence & fence it’s shocked. At night, it’s scary even for adults, as the light reflects off those little metal devils and they look even creepier. Moreover, the neighbors of the house also nagged that house is horrible, with all those devils dotting the roofs, and the spooky black skulls covering the domed roof of a smaller structure resembling a crypt. He even noticed that one of the devil sculptures seems to be aiming a bow directly at his window, which makes him uneasy. Thus, many peoples like it or not, you’ve to agree that the decor may really prove to be a brilliant deterrent against thieves, particularly id they’re the superstitious type. The Idea would definitely think twice before going into a place like that at night.
Neighbors say that the owner of the house is in fact just an ordinary businessman. He started this exclusive house a decade ago, but then went away for 8 years and only came back 2 years ago and restarted work on it. Now house is almost finished, and people are scared he might add even more spooky elements to it before he’s done. The images of this spooky house are recently gone viral in Belarus, with most people praising the owner for the horrifying artistic design. Though, the only reason that the house even became famed in the first place was because people living in its vicinity had been complaining that it is too spooky.

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

The Tower of Kamyenyets

Well, The Tower of Kamyenyets is often called “White Tower” actually a main landmark of the town of Kamianiec in Belarus. It is constructed in 1271-1289 by architect Oleksa, on the northern border of Principality of Volhynia. The Tower has constructed with red brick through the ages, gets never white. The Tower is main landmark of the area, and standing atop gives a majestic view of Liasnaja River. However, it was erected in 1270’s, but foundation date is referring 1276. These days, the tower is national historic site of Belarus, and converted into regional museum since 1960. As the time passes, there were similar towers being built in different areas but badly destroyed in course of wars. 

The tower is 98 feet high, and redbrick walls are approximately 8.2 feet thick with a pitched roof at the top. The tower of Kamyenyets was added to the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List on January 30, 2004, in the Cultural category. The tower was completely constructed with red brick give it really a unique look. Therefore, distinct the narrow loopholes on lower levels, the pointed big lancet windows and niches on the upper floor are an outstanding example of early Gothic architecture in Belarus. The opening windows were plastered and whitewashed; permit the entry into the apartments. The upper part of the tower was furnished with battlements and pattern of surface modeling of the brick work, with the addition of several nice ring dong tooth courses running below the battlements. Moreover, the brickwork features a peculiar Baltic bond and some bricks on the exterior were damaged or dismantled by the local peasants. 

The tower is so special for in tourism in Belarus, survived various wars and savagery. Unluckily, the tower has diminished the defensive values over the times, and several attempts made to dismantle him in order to get the red bricks. Nonetheless, people found out that it was unbearable: the bricks turned into rough stone, reluctant to dismantling. The five-tier round building was built for defensive purposes and so lacks architectural and decorative elements. In its place, it has thin portholes and four flat niches with semicircular ends. Moreover the top part of the tower, was an observation platform, is well surrounded by 14 rectangular merlons with apertures and a decorative strip runs around the top of the tower.

Friday, 27 September 2013

The Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park

The Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park is located 340km to the south-west of Minsk in the Brest region of Belarus It is one of five National Parks in Belarus and the largest forest in the lowlands of central Europe. This is most beautiful unspoiled national parks in Europe. Belovezhskaya Pushcha is a National Park covers the Belarussian part of the forest. Mammals such as Bison, Wild Boar, Elk and Wild Horses in habit the forest, which was designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1979 & extended in 1992, and in 1993 it was granted UNESCO Biosphere Reserve status.
There are several reasons that make this park appealing to the 21st century eco-tourist such as the one fact is cars are not allowed on site.  There are five buses a day to Kamenyets from Brest, but Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park is still a taxi ride away.You may have the group of someone who knows the area, and have knowledge of the park’s history. You will learn about notable areas that are worth seeing and give you a greater insight into everything from the local flora to fauna, of which there are plenty worth seeing. Green travelers who have a special interest in flowers and trees will be at home here as there are nearly 1000 different species growing.
On the other hand, it is most likely the ancient and imposing Oak trees that are the highlight of the plant world in this park. For the animal lovers out there a plentiful variety of different shapes and sizes await. From otters to lynx to woodpeckers, there are plenty that wonder the park by day or night with the highlight being that of the European Bison.  The National Park is rarely visited by large tourists due to a lack of facilities and infrastructure, the Białowieża National Park, which covers the Polish part of the forest, may prove easier to access.
There are rare species in larger numbers in the Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park than anywhere else on the continent.  There is a library, zoo and a museum all of which will aid in gaining a far greater understanding of the park. There are a couple of hotels for those tourists looking to spend their entire vacation at the park. What better way to enjoy and feel right at home.