Saturday 23 January 2016

The Unique Underwater Museum at Cape Tarkhankut

More than 100 meters off the coast at Cape Tarhankut, the westernmost part of Crimea, at a depth of 10 to 12 meters is a distinctive museum of sculptures. The unique underwater museum has more than 50 sculptures and busts of former Soviet leaders including Lenin, Stalin, and Marx, as well as beautiful replicas of some of the world’s iconic attraction such as the Eiffel Tower of Paris and London's Tower Bridge.

The museum, also known as "Alley of Leaders", was created in 1992 by scuba diver Vladimir Broumenskyy, a native of Donetsk. Therefore the Soviet Union had just shrunken and there was an surplus of broken statues and busts of communist leaders that the eclectic crowds had pulled down from their pedestals. Moreover some of those went to Moscow where it became “Park of the Fallen Heroes”. Furthermore Vladimir Broumenskyy gets together a few and took them with him to Cape Tarhankut where he sunk them into the sea. Hence the underwater museum has been growing ever since with new exhibits, and being situated at an already trendy scuba diving site, the exclusive museum has never complained about lack of visitors.

Thursday 21 January 2016

Sharyn Canyon Kazakhstan

Sharyn Canyon is an interesting natural phenomenon also famous as Charyn Canyon located on the Sharyn River in Kazakhstan, almost 200 kilometers east of Almaty, near the Chinese border. Sharyn Canyon is part of Sharyn National Park within the Sharyn River Valley. The canyon is 90 kilometers in length has gained colorful formation of varying shapes and sizes. The size of Sharyn Canyon is much smaller than the prominent U.S. Grand Canyon, but has been equally important site of Kazakhstan.
A very impressive canyon (Valley of Castles) is famous due to its unusual rock formation. The impressive natural canyon formation is along the banks of fast flowing Charyn River in a northern flow stretch 80 kilometers stated a tributary of the IIe River. The river lengths is 393 kilometers, rises from Tian Shan Mountains. Moreover, the geological formation is sedimentary red sandstone which have been subject to the atmogenic process, wind action or deposition from volcanic vapors, water and wind erosion ultimately result in weird and colorful formation in the form of sculptures. The Canyon was formed about 3 million years ago as the land around the canyon started to rise, result in large lake existed in the area around the top of the canyon and it started to empty.  Over the next million years the canyon generate a large earthquake disturbed the flow of the river by blocking it with a land-slip forming the rock sculptures relatively soft and are a geologists dream, revealing hundreds of millions of years of the earth’s history at this location.

Canyon access is from Almaty on the main road toward east which passes through small villages. The Canyon views are very scenic, adventure lovers likes white white-water rafting and canoeing. Moreover fishing is another activity can be done on the river side. The local fish Naked Osman is famous fish here. Furthermore downstream of the Canyon is a dry zone of the gorge recognized as Red Canyon or Valley of Castles. A beautiful track has naturally sculpted red stone formations.  A forest, 20 kilometers away under the Umbrage of Canyon (Sogdian Ash) away remnant of a relic forest, the trees are to be a derivative from the Ice age, one of unique forest formation in the world. In 1964, it is declared protected reserve, Ash tree and other species of trees willow, poplar and barberry are extremely important trees. 

It is recommended to make a day plan of Charyn Canyon from Almaty, however, two days are suggested to take in a few different sights and activities. Therefore, due to rich popularity between local and foreign tourists, camping at the bottom of Dolina Zamkov has become a crowded affair which is best avoided. 

Monday 18 January 2016

First Ever Fossil Museum Opens in Egypt

In the desert valley of Wadi-al-Hitan, the first ever fossil museum has unveiled by Egypt. Around 150 kilometers Southwest of Cairo, it is first museum completely dedicated to an early form of whales, now died out famous as the “Walking Whale”.  And so, the beautiful centerpiece of museum is a 37 million year old and 20 meter long skeleton of a legged form of whale that testifies to how recent times whales evolved from land mammals. Hence, the sand colored, dome-shaped Fossils and Climate Change Museum was built on a grant of two billion euros from Italy, according to Italian Ambassador Maurizio Massari. Moreover, the Valley of the Whales' museum is also home to early tools used by primary humans and numerous whale fossils exhibited in glass boxes corroborating the evolutionary transition of the early whales from land to water creatures. But how did fossils of whales end up in the middle of the hottest desert? That’s because this the valley of wadi-al-Hitan was submerged in water some 40 to 50 million years ago by a sea called the “Tethys Sea” that reached far south of the existing Mediterranean.

The Valley of Whales encompasses treasured collection of fossils and bones of a now vanished, suborder of whales, called the archaeoceti. These fossils explain one of the greatest secrecies of the evolution of whales: however, the emergence of the whale as an ocean-going mammal from a preceding life as a land-based animal. Henceforth, the fossils of Wadi Al-Hitan dating back to fifty million years show the youngest archaeocetes in the last stages of evolution from land animals to a marine existence. Besides they already display the typical streamlined body form of modern whales, whilst retaining definite original aspects of skull and tooth structure, as well as hind legs. Therefore, several of the whale skeletons are in good condition as they’ve been well preserved in the rock formations. Though, Semi-complete skeletons are found in the valley and in some cases, even stomach contents are preserved.

However, the Museum was opend as part of concentrated government efforts to attract much-needed tourists, driven away by recent militant attacks, and restore confidence in the safety of its attractions. But Environment Minister Khaled Fahmy cautioned against interpreting the museum's opening as a "full endorsement of the theory of evolution," which clashes with Islam. In addition, that is a completely a different matter," he said, we’re still very confident and tied to our Islamic belief system.

Saturday 16 January 2016

Niulanjiang Waterfall China

No doubt waterfalls are absolutely natural wonders on planet earth, and would be a spectacular experience to see them up close, particularly this one in China which is entirely man-made. Therefore, the largest man-made waterfall named Niulanjiang Waterfall has opened to the public in Kunming in China’s Yunnan Province. This is easily called largest man-made water in Asia as well. 

This stunning waterfall is 12.5 meters high and 400 meters wide, and was formed as part of a project designed to divert water from the Niulan River into Dianchi Lake, the biggest freshwater lake in Yunnan. Moreover the diversion will not only support shrink flooding in the Niulan River but will also help in function as a water supply for emergencies. This beneficial project took almost two years to complete at a cost of 1.1 billion yuan (approximately 170 million US dollars). 

A beautiful park was made around the waterfalls for public could come and enjoy the scenery for free. It has created a new unique water landscape of Kunming. Furthermore it is notify that there’s 60% underground water has been polluted in China, and water quality has been a big problem for China, therefore, water resource shortage and worsened water resource environment are not only the restricted condition of our drainage area economic development, but also have led to a bad influence on human’s health. Source: Charismatic Planet

Thursday 14 January 2016

Juancho E. Yrausquin Airport: The Shortest Commercial Runway in the World

Juancho E. Yrausquin Airport is an airport on the Dutch Caribbean island of Saba. The airport has the shortest commercial runway in the world, just 396 meters (1,299 ft) long, flanked on one side by high hills, with cliffs that drop into the sea at both ends. The airport (also known as Saba airport) named after the Aruban Minister Juancho Irausquin, although is closed to jet traffic, regional airline propeller aircraft are able to land there under waivers from The Netherlands Antilles' Civil Aviation Authority. The most common aircraft to land there are the Twin Otter and BN-2 Islander. Some aviation experts are of having similar opinion that the airport is one of the most dangerous in the world, in spite of the fact that no major tragedies have happened at the facility.

The runway is too short, so jet aircraft are unable to land at the airport. Though, smaller airplanes and helicopters are common to land at the airport. It is well known among experienced fliers for the way in which airplanes must approach or take off from the airport. There is a small ramp and terminal on the southwest flank of the runway, and also has a designated helipad. The terminal building houses offices for Winair, immigration and security, a fire department with one fire truck and a tower. The tower is an advisory service only and does not offer air traffic control. Moreover, aviation fuel is not available on the island of Saba. 

Therefore, the local airline Winair (A government owned airline based in St. Maarten) is presently serving Yrausquin Airport, which operates daily flights to Sint Maarten aboard a de Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter. The largest airplane ever to manage flights to and from Saba is the DHC-7. However, the average flights to Saint Maarten last no longer than a quarter of an hour. There’s possibility that an airplane might overshoot the runway during landing or takeoff and end up in the sea or on the cliffs. 

Sunday 10 January 2016

Cave of Kelpius

People have been involved to religious cults throughout the history. However, when the 17th century ended, countless people were fleeing from Europe to avoid persecution and some headed for the new world or America as we know it nowadays. Indeed Cave of Kelpius is a mysterious cave in Philadelphia, located in the dense woods really weird connection to a secret society and even extraterrestrials. Cave of Kelpius is built by a man named Johannes Kelpius, famous as “Monk of the Ridge”.  Johannes Kelpius was born in Halwagen, Germany, near Denndorf about 1673, and he was an astronomer and a scientist, had a Ph. D degree. He has different interest, but his most liked action is to looking at the sky through a telescope for bizarre arrival. He was extremely talented and far ahead of his times in terms of his knowledge in technology which cause people thought that he was a magician.

Well, if you look cave outside closely, you’ll observer it is built with extra care with a nice rusted door hinge, however the other is broken. The cave was built in 1694 and as anticipated, it is dark inside, but had a fireplace and chimney. Kelpius use to make his experiments alone in this cave. The cave roof is arched not flat, which shows how well constructed this Cave is? The inside of cave, an earthen floor and cross on walls a popular symbol of Satan. Therefore, other strange symbols and codes painted on the walls. Thus, no other artifacts or anything, but most of belongings of Kelpius, carefully taken away and ultimately given to Benjamin Franklin who was founding father of U.S and a great astronomer as well.  

The purpose of Cave building in Philadelphia is interesting, when Kelpius sailed all the way from Europe in a severe weather, actually convinced by a woman from sky, would be landing in Philadelphia. Though, the prediction was not only based on his astronomical observation but also the verses in Revelation 12:14 through 12:16. It talks about a woman who had wings and gives birth to a baby son who was destined to rule the world. Therefore, Kelpius reaches at Philadelphia with 40 men; all of them were college graduates. This huge numbers of astronomers and scientists has been observing the stars and planets. They wanted to extract information of extraterrestrial landing would take place precisely, where this Cave is now situated. As they’ve settled them, Kelpius sets up the first astronomical observatory in the Province of Pennsylvania. These 40 men’s team took turns to keep looking at the sky 24 hours a day, uses sophisticated telescope, which is so special and still preserved in the American Philosophical society founded by Benjamin Franklin. He keeps Kelpius belongings and put a lot of efforts into preserving the gadgets. Benjamin Franklin was a strong believer in extraterrestrials and hoping that aliens would land on earth sooner or later.

Well, a large marble stone right next to this cave, set by a secret society named Rosicrucians. They believe Kelpius was the first Rosicrucian to come to the U.S. The most intriguing information about this stone is some kind of code only read by Rosicrucians. i.e. a word written on the TOP is “Cro Maat” means “The Truth shall be” is a Egyptian word, however, Rosicrucian society is officially called “The Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis”. Although, this is entirely irrelevant, but if you reverse the order of words,  

But the most intriguing detail about this stone is that it is some kind of a code that can be read only by Rosicrucians. I'll give you an example: On the top, you can see the words "Cro Maat". If you Google Cro Maat, you'll see that it is Egyptian for the words "The Truth Shall Be". But, the Rosicrucian Society is officially called "The Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis". This seems totally irrelevant, but if you reverse the order of these words, Crucis Rosae Order Mystical and Ancient the" and then take the first letter of every word, you get "Cro Maat".