Termites are tiny insects about
the size of an ant. They live in colonies that may contain 2 million relatives.
Despite their small size they are extraordinary builders. In the seasonally dry, deciduous forests of
northeastern Brazil, obscured by walls of thorny-scrubs, is a vast landscape
made up of tens of millions of densely packed earthen mounds. The findings
suggest that the over-dispersed spatial mound pattern isn’t generated by
aggressive interactions.
The cone-shaped are not nests,
actually piles of dirt each measuring 30ft wide at its base and twice as tall
as a grown man. Which are waste earths excavated by the termites when they
burrow tunnels under the soil. It’s unbelievable that finding an unknown
biological wonder of this sheer size and age still existing. There are lots of
different kinds of termite mounds. Some of them actually keep the termites
cool during the day, and a little bit warmer at night.
Investigators approximation that
these are more than 200 million mounds. These are covering a huge region approximately
equal to the size of Great Britain. The amount of soil excavated is over 10
cubic KM, comparable to the volume of great pyramids of Giza. The
still-inhabited mounds are up to 4,000 years old and so tall they can be seen
via satellite.
Therefore, this makes them the largest
engineering project by any animal besides humans. Unbelievably, some of these
mounds are as old as the Egypt Pyramids themselves. These mounds are remains mainly
hidden from view in the deciduous, semiarid, thorny-scrub caatinga forests exclusive
to this part of Brazil. The locals call them “murundus” but not too much people
outside of the region have heard about it. It was only in recent decades when
some of the lands were cleared for pasture that outsiders have come to discover
Roy Funch, from the State
University of Feira de Santana, first saw these fields of mounds in the 1980s
when he arrived in Brazil as a Peace Corps volunteer. A pheromone map might
allow the termites to minimize their travel time from any location in the colony
to the nearest waste mound.
Investigators have found that
this colossal feat of engineering is the work of a tiny species of termite
called Syntermes dirus, barely half an inch long. These creatures have been
building this landscape for the past four thousand years, and they are still
present in the soil surrounding the mounds. Soil samples collected from the
centers of 11 mounds and dated youngest mound is about 690 years old, while the
oldest was at least 3,820 years old.
These mounds discarded earth,
have no internal structures save for a single large central tunnel descending
into the ground to meet a widespread network of underground tunnels and thin
horizontal galleries where the termites store harvested food. In the night, the
termite workers and soldiers emerge from their underground nest and onto the
forest floor through small temporary tunnels excavated between the mounds.
After their work is done, they return back to the nests and seal the tunnels
There are many questions still to
chase. How termite colonies are physically structured because a queen chamber
of the species has never been found. Some reports say the mounds can be viewed
from space. They can be easily viewed on open source satellite images,
including Google Earth.