Tuesday 26 April 2016

The Aqueduct of Segovia

The Aqueduct of Segovia is a marvelous Roman structure and one of the most noteworthy and best-preserved ancient monuments left on the Iberian Peninsula. More precisely you can call it Aqueduct Bridge, located in Spain, foremost symbol of Segovia, as evidenced by its presence on the city's coat of arms. In-fact it is city’s most vital architectural landmark had been kept functioning from several centuries and preserved in great condition. The Aqueduct construction date is not confirmed, however it is believed that it took place somewhere Ist century AD during the reigns of Emperors Domitian, Nerva and Trajan. 
The first reconstruction took place during the reign of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, when a total of 36 arches were built with great care without disturbing the original design. The unmortared brick like granite blocks used to construct aqueduct in Roman era. Moreover, the three tallest arches showing a sign in bronze letters, indicating the name of its builder. These days, two niches are still visible, one is Hercules and other is image of Virgen de la Fuencisla. The Aqueduct Bridge is built about 20.400 blocks of granite, 7.500 m3 of granite with a total weight of 20.000 tons. Hence the largest block in the bridge has a weight of 2 tons, and blocks of 1.000 kg are common.

The site was listed in the 2006 World Monuments Watch by the World Monuments Fund. Indeed the Aqueduct of Segovia is an exclusive structure, still carries its original character and remains a protuberant and evocative feature of the regional landscape.  It represents to aesthetics and functionality that are so strongly associated with the engineering prowess of the Roman Empire. The Aqueduct of Segovia functioned for many centuries after the fall of the Roman Empire and served the communities of Segovia well into the modern era. The aqueduct is special in every pillar and spandrel has a different design, have a common springer, others have separate but touching ones, and the base of several of the spandrels is different. There’re few arches in the center of aqueduct which were ruined during Muslims conquest of 9th century, however Catholic Kings had restored in the 15th century.

Well, the one of major purpose of building Aqueduct is to transport water from Rio Frio River 11 miles from the city in the La Acebeda region took 9.3 miles before arriving in the city. The water was first gathered in a tank and led through a channel to a second tower. The tallest aqueduct reaches a height of 28.5 meters, well supported by single and double arches to pillars. It provided water to Segovia until the mid-19th century. Nowadays it is well-deserving structure to pay attention in its continued protection and stabilization. The Aqueduct of Segovia remains one of the most intact Roman aqueducts in Europe.

The Aqueduct of Segovia structure stands 28.5 meters tall at its maximum height and nearly 6 additional meters deep in the main section. Along pillars and arches of its tall, two-story arcades are made of solid blocks of stone fit closely together with little or no mortar, and the lower arches alternate in height according to the structure’s adaptation to the contours of the land. This is not a religious site, but it is such a magnificent monument that we just can't bear to leave it out.  This is most visited and photographed sight in Segovia and the symbol of the city, its massive scale and state of preservation are unmatched anywhere in Europe. Unluckily, after surviving remarkably intact for nearly 2,000 years, the aqueduct is now being extremely threatened by the pollution and traffic vibrations of the modern world. Source: Charismatic Planet

Monday 25 April 2016

The Citadelle Laferriere Fortress

The Citadelle Laferriere is a massive mountaintop fortress in northern Haiti. It is one of largest fortresses in U.S. has itself become an icon of Haiti. A Haiti slave rebellion Henri Christopher built the fortress in the beginning of 18th century. In 1982, Citadelle Laferriere is included in the list of World Heritage Site by UNESCO. The massive stone structure is located approximately 17 miles south of the city of Cap-Haïtien and five miles uphill from the town of Milot. The fortress walls rise 130 feet from the mountaintop and the entire complex, including cannonball stocks but excluding the surrounding grounds, covers an area of 108,000 square feet.

The stone structure was constructed up to 20,000 workers between 1805 and 1820 as part of system of fortification designed to keep Haiti safe from French incursions. Workers laid fortress foundation on to the stone of the mountaintop, using a mortar mixture that included quicklime, molasses, and the blood of local cows and goats to the mix to give the mortar added strength and bonding power. The Citadel was constructed many miles inland to prevent attacks and provide a lookout into adjacent valleys. Moreover, Atlantic Ocean can be seen from the roof of fortress, and coast of Cuba, some 90 miles to the west on clear days. The local Haitians outfitted fortress with 365 cannons of varying size, obtained from different nations. However, mammoth stockpiles of cannonballs still sit in pyramidal stacks at the base of the fortress walls. Since its construction, the fortress has withstood many earthquakes, though a French attack never came and it was finally abandoned.

Well, Christophe was a shrewd person and during an invasion, his military burn the valuable crops and food stocks along the coast then retreat to the fortress setting ambushes along the sole mountain path leading to the Citadel. According to some legend, Christophe has committed suicide after shooting himself with a silver bullet; therefore his loyal followers covered his body in quicklime and entombed it in one of the Citadel's interior courtyards to prevent others from mutilating the corpse. The Citadel fortress has made National symbol in Haiti featured on currency, stamps and tourist ministry poster.

There’s ample space in fortress to store enough food and water for 5,000 defenders for up to one year. The Citadel's appearance from the trail leading up to its base has been likened to the prow of a great stone ship. The structure is angular and was intentionally put there by Christophe to diverge cannonballs if attacked and the Epaulette is a great example of using angles to deviate and deflect shots. The fortress has been repaired and refurbished several times since its construction, including in the 1980s with support of UNESCO and the World Monuments Fund, though little of it has been replaced and its design remains the same.

Therefore, as the time progresses the Citadel has converted into one of the most popular tourist destinations in Haiti. Moreover visitors may have to be paying a small fee and also encouraged to rent a horse for the uphill trek. Though, the first portion of the seven-mile trail is navigable by 4WD vehicle, although sporadic landslides and construction projects sometimes make this undependable. Various people live along the trail and retail souvenirs or drinks, such as fresh coconut juice, to travelers. Moreover keep in mind drinks are a necessity in the tropical heat. The trail is paved stone, usually smooth and in good condition. However, about three-quarters of the way up from the parking lot, visitors must complete the final portion on horseback or on foot.

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Enchanted Mesa, A Sandstone Butte in New Mexico

Enchanted Mesa or Mesa Encantada is a sandstone butte in Cibola County, New Mexico, United States, about 2.5 miles northeast of the pueblo of Acoma. It was home of the Acoma people until a massive landslide and severe storm completely demolished the only approach.  There are no longer any ruins on the flat top. The butte is 430 feet high, 1,250 feet long and only 400 feet wide, at its widest. The elevation at the top is 6,643 feet. It is believed that massive cliffs are formed by the Zuni Sandstone and the butte is topped by the Dakota Sandstone. 

In 1892 The Charles F. Lumins visited Acoma and express the story of Acoma People life style on Enchanted Mesa.  The access from southern side to top with a large piece of butte had spalled off and formed a ramp called stone ladder up to the top. So, there main source was their fields, springs, and water source were in the valley.  Therefore, once the summer season start, the entire village descends into the valley to tend the crops.  So, once an unfortunate day, a severe thunderstone washed away the stone ladder leaving only sheer rock faces all the way around the butte. Only one young boy and three old women did not leave in the village, which couldn’t get down nor could anyone else get back to the village. 

A giant thunderbird swooped down and scooped up the four and carried them to the valley floor. The Acoma people abandoned Enchanted Mesa and moved to White Rock Mesa, now called Acoma. In 1897, Professor Williams Libbey from Princeton University climbed Enchanted Mesa, where he spent two to three hours in exploring, however he didn’t find anything ruins or artifacts. 

Moreover another archaeologist Frederick Webb Hodge didn’t believe Libbey findings, and he went on expedition in 1897 and found evidence of occupation, arrow points, stone tools, beads and pottery fragments lodged in crevices. He said, main ruins had been washed over the edge by many centuries due to massive thunderstorms. In 1974, an Acoma police officer claimed, that he had seen a UFO over Enchanted Mesa, which was later confirmed by other police officers, a red light, fast than any aircraft. So, a helicopter was sent to top of Enchanted Mesa to find the evidence of UFO, however no direct evidence was found. 

Sassi di Matera: The Oldest Inhabited Cave City

In the Basilicata region, in Southern Italy, there’s an ancient city called “Matera” well-known for its cave houses called “Sassi”. The “Sassi” are carved into the cliffs of a rocky ravine formed by what was once a big river just left now a small stream. These cave dwellings are thought to be amongst the first human settlements in Italy dating back to the Paleolithic era, more than 9,000 years ago and is believed to be the oldest continuously inhabited cave city in the world.

Since then until as recently as the caves were continuously inhabited. The first human settlements in the territory of Matera took advantage of the region’s many natural caves that define the rocky landscape. Over time new caves were dug out to accommodate the growing population. At first glance the Sassi sprawl seems as a jumble of stone huts that impeccably merge with the spectacular landscape but behind the picturesque dwellings are tales of struggle.

Moreover, some of the earliest houses look like stone huts, but behind the house-like facades is meek caves. With the passage of time, the city developed, it became emerge into jumble of narrow alleys and stairways as residents dug wherever a cliff-face provided opportunity. Hence, until the late 20th century, the Matera region was one of the poorest places in Italy. Over the years new holes were continuously carved out to make room for the ever-increasing population dwellers took advantage of every bit of rock they could and many of the layered homes feature labyrinthine alleys and stairways. After WWII, cave residents were reluctantly moved from their crumbling homes into more modern abodes in the Matera town on the cliff. While many of the ancient chambers lie abandoned and forgotten, the settlement's prospects were hugely boosted in 1993. 

However, the area was without electricity or running water or sewage disposal facility. The public were lacked of basic needs because there were no shops in the village. Therefore, a typical diet comprised of bread, oil, crushed tomatoes, and peppers. Even, big families lived alongside their livestock, and in such unhygienic conditions, disease was widespread, particularly malaria. The extreme poverty of these people during Benito Mussolini's fascist rule was uncovered in the book “Christ stopped at Eboli” by an Italian doctor Carlo Levi. It is foreseeable that the picturesque caves' timeless surroundings have had their fair share of screen time. The landscape has been used for a range of biblical film and TV scenes including the 2004 Passion of the Christ.

After the Second World War, the new government tried to move the city’s cave residents into modern dwellings but many people were reluctant to move. Eventually, the government had to forcibly relocate the inhabitants to the new town on top of the cliff. Therefore, Matera’s fortune was changed after 1993 when UNESCO declared Matera’s Sassi and cave churches a world heritage site, bringing a fresh wave of inquisitive tourists. Since then several caves have been given a new lease of life and transformed into cozy homes, stylish hotels and restaurants to cater for waves of inquisitive tourists, eager to find out why Unesco was so impressed. Indeed this place is a good way of life. Cool in the heat of summer and warm in the winter, and no air conditioning of radiators to worry about. Back in the 70's it recalls seeing similar caves in the South of Spain, and with people still living in them.

Saturday 16 April 2016

The Mysterious Rock of Mahabalipuram India

All across the world peoples encounter enigmatic ancient monuments, buildings, structures or artifacts rock formations that are somehow related to know The Power of Real God. One such intriguing structure can be found in India. The mysterious rock which is not rolling more than 1300 years steel dare stand under his teetering 250 ton rock in India. The rock perches precariously on hill defied gravity hasn’t stopped daredevil visitor taking pictures under it. Indeed it is a miracle and science has no answer to how such huge rock weighing 250 tonnes, has managed to stay on a base- area of just 4 ft.

The Krishan’s Butter Ball also called Vaanirai Kal has been sitting on a 45 degree slope in Mahabalipuram more than 1300 years.  The robust 20 feet rock clearly defy gravity, seems will roll at any moment, and all efforts gets in vain so far. There’re various superstitions among the local peoples, who believes, this is fixed by Gods who wanted to prove their power. However, researchers believe simply as a natural formation nothing else. Moreover, geologists argue that natural corrosion is perhaps to have produced such an abnormal shape. 

Thus, the Hindu religion has notions of different opinions. The Pallava King “Narasimhavarman” actually ruled Southern India from 630 to 668 AD, tried to dislodge the round stone but couldn’t succeed.  Therefore, the various peoples put in their efforts to move on rock, from time to time, but no one gets succeed. A similar endeavor was undertaken in 1908 by the Governor of Madras Arthur Lawley, but their mission was unsuccessful. 

He wanted to save his locals peoples at the base of hill, and eventually he has used seven powerful elephants to roll in rock, but without any luck the mission failed. Now a days, the rock has becomes very famous tourist place to pose photographs under its base.  Both children and adults are eager to see this mysterious rock that just cannot be moved by any means. Even number of daredevil tries to pull it down. Moreover, so many tourists used the base as sun shield. So far, it has proved to be totally impossible to move the boulder. Source: Charismatic Planet

Monday 11 April 2016

Avila: Europe Most Impressive Wall City

In central Spain, there’s an ancient city Avila located in the autonomous community of Castile and Leon almost 100 km to the west of Madrid. It is believed and considered one of finest walled city in Europe, built on the flat summit of a rocky outcrop, actually rises rapidly in the middle of a vast treeless plain strewn with immense grey boulders and surrounded by lofty mountains. In 1985, The Old Town of Avila was included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Site. Therefore, Ávila has been called the “finest medieval remnant in Spain” and is a noteworthy tourist center.

The wall of Avila is an inspiring 2.5 km barrier of stone and granite that surrounds the city’s almost rectangular layout. The 2,500 meter long city wall is completely intact. The walls are up to 10 feet thick and 40 feet high, and topped by a continuous battlement rampart-walk and parapet with merlons and cernels.  Nowadays it is possible to walk upon the walls for approximately half their circumference, however at night the whole circumference of the wall is magnificently lit up by yellow-orange halogen lights, making it “the largest fully illuminated monument in the world".

The history reveals us, that Avila was once part of the Roman Lusitania, before falling to the Arab and Berber invaders in 714 CE. Hence, for the next three and a half centuries the northern Iberian Christian kingdoms tried frequently to seize control of the city, but it was King Alfonso VI of León and Castile, who sooner or later managed to conquer the Muslims in 1088 ADE. The King instantly started building a great stone wall around Avila to defend his latest conquest from further attacks. Moreover, the task was well supervised by his brother-in-law, “Raymond of Burgundy”, who was a legendary figure himself. Due to its early legal protection, the city of Ávila maintains the main features of authenticity in terms of form, design, location, and setting.

Furthermore, bulging out from the walls are eighty-eight semi-circular defensive towers, placed at uniform intervals. The walls are punctured by 8 or 9 entrance gates, but originally, there was a moat and a barbican outside the walls, but they no longer exist. The substantial fortification was finished in less than a decade. Besides, The area surrounded by the walls is now designated the Old Town, and covers all of the city’s historic landmarks including the Gothic cathedral, the Convent of Santo Tomás, containing the tombs of Tomás de Torquemada, which were the first grand inquisitor of Spain, and of Don Juan, the only son of Ferdinand and Isabella, and several Romanesque churches.