The shot is taken in the central highlands of Spain, the
autonomous regions Castilla-La-Mancha and Castilla-y-Léon. This is a region full of rich history and
culture: The Goths, Romans and Moors have left their marks here. Don Quijote
has fighted against the windmills here. This was the place of residence of El
Greco, Diego de Velazquez and Francisco de Goya.The first time I've taken my
dolly with traveling. It did a great job. The landscape there is really very
special. It is an incredibly vast country. One cannot capture it with the
camera. Indeed he’s true artist and who display a sensitive ability to capture
the heart of the Castillian landscape! But see for yourself.
Music: John OO Fleming, The Dewberry TreeNikon D90, Sigma 10-20, DIY Dolly:
Spain from Ben on Vimeo.