Torridon is also called Loch Thoirbheartan actually a sea loch on the west
coast of Scotland in the Northwest Highlands. The stunning loch was created by
glacial processes and it is approximately 15 miles long. The loch has two
sections, Upper Loch Torridon to landward, east of Rubha na h-Airde Ghlaise, at
which point it joins Loch Sheildaig; and the main western section of Loch
Torridon proper. Loch a' Chracaich and Loch Beag are small inlets on the
southern shores of the outer Loch, which joins the Inner Sound between the
headlands of Rubha na Fearna to the south and Red Point to the north. The name
Thoirbhearta has a similar root to Tarbert and indicates a place where boats
were dragged overland.
Island has been owned by the National Trust for Scotland since 1970. It has
coverage of Scots Pine, which may have grown from seeds taken from Speyside in
the mid-19th century. Loch Torridon as seen from Torridon village, which lies
at the head of the loch and is surrounded by the amazing Torridon Hills.
Whereas, to the north are the villages of Redpoint, Diabaig, Wester Alligin and
Alligin Shuas. However; on the south is Shieldaig. The view North West from the
summit of A Ruadh-stac takes in Beinn Damh, Upper Loch Torridon and Beinn
The loch is
surrounded by numerous mountains to the north, including Liathach, Beinn
Alligin and Beinn Eighe, all of which are over 3,000 feet in height. The
Torridon Hills exhibit some of the most beautiful mountain scenery in the
British Isles, surpassed in grandeur perhaps only by the Cuillins of Skye. The
rocks of which’re made are known as Torridonian sandstone, some of which’re
crowned by white Cambrian quartzite. They’re in the midst of the oldest rocks
in Britain, and sit on yet older rocks, Lewisian gneiss.
Torridon is a vital prawn and shellfish fishery and is home to numerous salmon
farms and industrial mussel production. Langoustines are fished by creels
baited with herring or prawns, which are deployed on lines of up to 120 creels
and left on the seabed for at least a day. Most of the catch is exported to
Spain, but some is sold locally. The sustainable seafood certificate for Loch
Torridon langoustines was suspended by the Marine Stewardship Council on 11
January 2011, due to increased fishing pressure in the area caused by
creel-fishing boats that had not signed-up to the fishery's voluntary code of