Tuesday 2 February 2016

Guoliang Tunnel: The Most Dangerous Tunnel in the World

The Chinese Guoliang Tunnel is amazingly carved along the side of and through a mountain in China. This majestically beautiful tunnel connects the village of Guoliang to the outside through the Taihang Mountains which are located in Huixian, Xinxiang, Henan Province of China. The village name was driven when fugitive rebel during the Han Dynasty, used to fight an overwhelming imperial force to a standstill utilizing the risky local terrain. However, the access to village was extremely difficult on a path craved into the mount side; hence the life gets easy after the construction of Guoliang Tunnel. Therefore, the village is nestled in a valley surrounded by towering mountains cut off from outside civilization. In other words Guoliang was basically cut off from civilization.  The inhabitants were approximately 300 people.  It was unreachable to the outside world until a road was blasted into the cliff side.

Apparently the village is way up on a mountain.  The only way to reach it was to travel through valley surrounded by towering mountains, and then climb the Sky Ladder. The local peoples were in great trouble by transporting different in/out things to outside world. Even communication was another big issue, with no telephones, no electricity. Hence to get the villagers life ease, some villagers decide to find out a solution. In 1972, the group of villagers led by Shen Mingxin plans to carve a road into the side of the mountain.

They were really lack of funds to implement this plan, finally they decide to make a big scarify to sold out their livestock to raise funds to buy material and construction tools.  As the project gets popularity, the nearby villages also involved to start the project with one dying during construction. The peoples were lack of construction facilities, which result in to use the hammers and chisels to make the plan successful. Even though at some certain difficult stage, the tunnel progressed at a rate of one meter every three days. The Guoliang Tunnel is 1.2 KM long, 16 feet tall and 13 feet wide, and it took six years to finish. The tunnel is wide enough to surpass two vehicles easily. The motivations level becomes the project successful. Hence the tunnel was opened for public on Ist May 1977. This massive effort has turned the village into a popular tourist attraction. The area has also been used as a film location.

 Guoliang Tunnel is very distinctive from other road tunnels; because it is quiet, secluded and mysterious, bright in one minute and dim in the next minutes, full of twists and turns. Moreover, tunnel wall is uneven as more than 30 windows of different sizes and shapes. You will see different sizes of windows, some are round and some are square, however the range of dozens of meters long to standard window size. No doubt, the windows are frightening to look down where strange rocks hanging above from sheer cliff. It is not recommended to walk through twisted tunnel is like walking through a labyrinth. You’ll face problem in hearing the sound of vehicles coming from behind. Finally, considering the villagers efforts by using their own technology, the Chinese government will take some steps to make the tunnel safe for future life. Source: Charismatic Planet

Belogradchik Fortress Bulgaria

Belogradchik Fortress is located on the north slopes of the Balkan Mountains, nearby to the northwestern Bulgarian town of Belogradchik.  Belogradchik Fortress is also famous as Kaleto Fortress. The fort is nestled on the base of a remarkable rock formation belonging to the “Belogradchik massif” which comprises of oddly shaped sandstone and conglomerate rock formation that are believed to resemble shapes of objects and people. Therefore, some of the rocks reach up to about 200 meters in height; however the ones serving as the backdrop to the fort are 70 meters tall.

Although this fort existed here since the Roman times. Because in the 1st to the 3rd century AD, the Romans were used to constructed roads across the new provinces of the empire on the Balkan Peninsula, as well as some fortresses to guard them. So, the mission of Belogradchik Fortress was to control the road. At that time they built the highest part of the fortress, famous as the Citadel, using the rocks as natural protection. Moreover fortified walls were built only on the northwest and southeast sides, with the rest of the sides around the yard being surrounded by rocks.

Furthermore, as the time passes with several centuries, Belogradchik Fortress has been used by a succession of not the same forces including the Byzantines. However, in the 14th century, the Bulgarian tsar of Vidin Ivan Stratsimir stretched the old fortress, building fortified garrisons before the existing rock massifs. Thus, fort became one of the most significant strongholds in the region. So, by the end of 14th century, Belogradchik Fortress was take control by the Ottomans, who extended it further and used it to overpower local uprisings. 

Besides, Belogradchik Fortress continued to be used for military and defensive devotions, so until the 19th century. In the mid of 18th century, Belogradchik Fortress played a vital role in the Ottoman suppression of the Belogradchik uprising, being the place where decapitation of captured activists was performed. Therefore, the fort was last used in warfare during the Serbo-Bulgarian War in 1885, so after that the Belogradchik Fortress is now one of the best-preserved strongholds in Bulgaria, and together with the Belogradchik Rocks, it is the town's main cultural and historical sightseer attraction.

Saturday 30 January 2016

Rio Celeste, The Most Prominent Natural Jewels in Costa Rica

Nature is such a powerful inspiration to every human being on earth. When we saw something special, suddenly we say wow without any intention. The similar natural inspiration is the Blue River in Cost Rica, winding through the verdant rainforest of Tenorio Volcano National Park. The turquoise tones of Río Celeste is one of Costa Rica’s most prominent natural jewels actually an optical phenomenon, not a chemical effect in the water.

The special beauty of Blue River is vivid blue water formed by the confluence of two smaller rivers called the Sour Creek and the Good View River. The bright blue river is also called “Rio Celeste” actually carries significant amount of whitish mineral famous as aluminosilicate, composed of aluminum, silicon, and oxygen. Moreover, at a certain point, the water of two completely transparent rivers meets, where the blue colors originate. Due to this reason the point is called El Teñidor, which means “The Dyer” in English.

Scientists have come up numerous theories where the Río Celeste gets its color. So, until in recent times; researchers were trying to find the exact reason of why Rio Celeste has distinctive turquoise coloration. Although several, hypotheses were put forward such as the water contained copper or calcium carbonate and sulfur, or that the river’s proximity to the Tenorio Volcano caused it have the blue color. Therefore, this is recognized that the blue color comes due to a physical phenomenon well-known as Mie scattering triggered by the presence of definite minerals in the river’s water that causes sunlight to reflect in such a manner that it gives the water an unbelievable hue.

As we’ve explained above, that Rio Celeste is fed by Sour Creek and Good View River, which minerals is actively responsible for reflecting the vivid blue color in sunlight. However, if the mineral is also contained in the Good View River, then why doesn’t it appear blue like Río Celeste? The answer lies in the size of the particles. Further, researchers were trying to found Good View River particles have a size of 184 nanometers, although in the Río Celeste the particles are much larger at 566 nm. Thus, the increase in size causes the scattering of sunlight and occurs principally in the blue region of visible spectrum. So that’s why we have that spectacular light blue color of the Rio Celeste” said Dr. Max Chavarría Vargas, lead investigator. Therefore, during the investigation, The UNA and UCR scientists took a number of samples of water from the two rivers and concluded there is no copper or any other metal dangerous to humans.

Another question comes to in mind that why‘re the “aluminosilicate particles” in Río Celeste bigger than those in Good View River, when the particles itself came from the Good View River? On the other hand it so happens that Sour Creek, the 2nd river to link Good View River, is extremely acidity due to volcanic activity that is why it’s called Sour Creek. Therefore, when these two streams join to form Río Celeste, the drop in pH causes the “aluminosilicate particles” to combined and enlarge creating Mie scattering which gives the river a robust turquoise color. As a result, it is one of those quirks of nature where one of the rivers is responsible for mineral material with one size and the other river keeps the acidic environment so that those particles grow. 

The Ring Shaped Laguna Garzon Bridge in Uruguay

The modern day’s technique of building bridges is really awesome, because engineers and architects always looks something unique to benefit public. They don’t rely on shortest possible crossing. The new ring shaped bridge across Laguna Garzon in Uruguay’s Southern Coast is perfect example of marvelous engineering. It is located near popular resorts Punta del Este and José Ignacio home to a new development of concrete holiday homes by Adamo-Faiden.

It’s a concrete bridge, consists of two semi-circular bridges, attached at either end to make a ring and was built to replace a raft crossing between the cities of Rocha and Maldonado. Therefore, the stunning circular design and its architect Rafael Vinoly have a perfectly logical and functional explanation. One of best known designer of London's Walkie Talkie building, which was nicknamed Walkie Scorchie after the glare from its curvy glass facade, melted the bodywork of nearby cars. The bridge used more than 450 tons of formed steel 40,000 meters of post tensioned cables and over 3,500 cubic meters of concrete, has proved controversial provoking protests from environmental groups.

Normally, it is common behavior, drivers gets speed the car when they crossing the straight bridge, however this curved design will push drivers to slow down the speed of their cars. Moreover, the curve bridge provides the opportunity to relish the panoramic views of adjacent landscapes. The magnificent aerial view offers an exclusive scene of engineering marvel. Furthermore, they’ve also taken care of pedestrian with a lovely walkway. Before the bridge, it was a narrow escape for cars, because the raft crossing is allowed only two cars to cross at a time.

Although, the raft operated only at certain times of the day, and during stormy/windy days it remained closed. Moreover the meager connection has kept the region of Rocha away from more developments compared to what Maldonado has been experiencing in the last decades. Moreover, the new bridge lets easy the way of some 1,000 vehicles to cross the lagoon, and is expected to help drive the development of Rocha’s coastline. The Laguna Garzon Bridge took a year to complete and opened in late 2015.

Thursday 28 January 2016

Burj-Al-Arab: The World’s Only Sever Star Hotel

Well, The world only “seven star” hotel is about to get even better, by self-proclaimed most luxurious hotel in the world is about to offer its visitors even more extravagant amenities during their stay. The world most attractive hotel built on an artificial island is stretching further into the sea with a luxury leisure outdoor space. The pompous North Deck will entice guests to 328 feet into the Arabian Gulf, offering with exclusive access to 32 cabanas and 400 sun loungers along with a range of new facilities.

Moreover, the new area opening is expected in the 2nd half of 2016, will be able to unwind at one of the new hotel swimming areas, which include a 6,587-sq-ft fresh water pool and 8,912-sq-ft salt water pool; though also taking benefit of the deck's restaurant and bar. The entire deck is manufactured in Finland and transported to Dubai by sea. Therefore, the 6 sections will be lifted by crane and lowered onto a grid of 90 steel piles, stretching from the hotel out into the Arabian Gulf.

Furthermore, all elements of the construction and steel pile installation process have been considered with the marine environment in mind; specially designed to make available shade for local fish and to entice undersea ecosystems that are recognized to cluster around steel piles. The new look of hotel likely to surpassing guests expectations by providing the best Arabian hospitality experience. It is highly excited about North Deck is a true reflection of Dubai's own ambition to deliver the most outstanding experience for visitors visiting and living in Dubai. 
Moreover, this is first time, such structure and size has been built in another country and transported to Destination County to be assembled and operated. This idea really pushing the boundaries of innovation and demonstrating how committed positioning Dubai as the most exciting destination in the world and Burj Al Arab Jumeirah as the finest provider of luxury experiences. 

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Kummakivi: The Natural Wonder in Finland

Well, you’ve seen number of natural phenomenal these days. But certain natural occurrence leaves us all scratching our heads, i.e. “Kummakivi” a definite geological formation found in the dense forest of Finland. The mysterious formation is that of a giant rock performing an incredible balancing act on a seemingly smooth, curved mound.

Therefore, no scientific explanation found how the rock balanced? The researchers have given name translates as “strange rock” in Finnish, has wound up in such a bewildering position, but doesn’t it look unusual? Hence, some Finnish folklore believes the odd locations of these colossal stones by saying that trolls carried, threw or rolled them there. This eccentric sight puzzled visitors since its discovery, and spawned stories of giants having but geologists have more realistic explanation: glaciers.

This huge Rock is located in Finland, at 61.5 degrees N consists of four big layers, and on the front side down below is a large V-shaped carving, which resembles the coast of South Greenland. However, wonder whether these features of the Stone relate to ancient stories? Finland is one of Europe’s best places of true wilderness, hide thousands of strange stories and secrets to be revealed by those who love nature. There are caves, rocks and gorges shaped in strange ways by the ice-age and the effects of prolong winters.