Thursday 22 October 2015

El Tatio, Third Largest Geyser Field in World

Head into the Andes Mountains of northern Chile and you'll find “El Tatio” a geyser field at 4,320 meters above mean sea level. El Tatio is among the highest-elevation geyser fields in the world, and has more than 80 active geysers, making it the largest geyser field in the southern hemisphere and the third largest in the world. El Tatio, name comes from comes from the Quechua word for oven. The geysers erupt to an average height of about 75 centimeters, with the highest eruption observed being around 6 metres. 

This place is a major tourist attraction, and tourists usually arrive at sunrise when each geyser is surmounted by a column of steam that condenses in the cold air. The steam plumes disappear as the air warms up, and possible to bathe in the hot geyser water in a small pool. Though the nearby population center to the El Tatio Geysers is Calama, a beautiful ancient town with a small but developing tourist sector, the vast majority of visitors come on day trips from San Pedro de Atacama.

Moreover, there’s wreckage at the site from an old project for harnessing geothermal power. The exploration of El Tatio is controversial, because this site is a popular tourist attraction, and receives more than 100,000 visitors per year, and is the principal attraction of nearby San Pedro de Atacama; that the geysers are in an indigenous zone and people put value on and show to the world. Well, if you want to see the see this place, then the best time to see the geysers is 06:00, so make sure you wipe the sleep from your eyes if you want experience the breathtaking display. So be careful, and watch your step, because in some places, tourists have fallen through the thin crust into underlying pools of boiling water and suffered severe burns. Dress in layers: it's toe-numbingly cold at sunbreak but you will bake in the van on the way back down. 

The area is also home to a number of hot springs, you’ll find pools with waters at comfortable temperatures or if you’re willing to brave undressing in the cold high-altitude air. The ground takes a while to reach 16ÂșC after the chill of the night has passed, but the experience is worth the wait. Source:

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Remarkable Autumn Landscape of UK

It is simply incredible and easily say the greatest nature show on earth,  with its majestic beauty wrap up warm and embrace Britain's remarkable autumn landscapes this half-term some of which are right under our noses. So, forget Norwegian fjords and Icelandic glaciers, some of the most breathtaking landscapes are right under our noses in the United Kingdom. Therefore, what’d you think for perfect timing to witness them when they’re in full glory brought to life by the golden hues? Here are the best places to wrap up warm and visit during the approaching half-term. The different sights when autumn morning as dappled sunlight picks out the golds and reds are one of life’s great masterpieces.

 Source: Dailymail &
Charismatic Planet

Monday 19 October 2015

Hoia Baciu; The Most Haunted Forest in the World.

The Hoia Forest is a forest situated to the west of the city of Cluj-Napoca, near the open-air section of the Ethnographic Museum of Transylvania. Hoia Baciu is believed by several to be the most haunted forest in the world.  Hoia Baciu is the setting for a number of unexplained, spooky tales, even doesn’t help that the trees are bent and twisted in apparently strange ways, giving the woods a horror movie feel. The Hoia Forest is well-known worldwide for its alleged repeated and varied paranormal phenomena. The Hoia Baciu forest says to be named after a Sheperd that disappeared with 200 sheep into the forest. Due to its mysterious stories, it is called “the Bermuda Triangle of Transylvania”

Numerous visitors to the Hoia Baciu have returned from their trip frightened, claiming that burns and rashes have appeared on their bodies for no apparent reason. Moreover, many even claim to have skipped a few hours during their exploration between the creepy trees. Though, they’ve no explanation for why they cannot remember what happened during the ”missing” hours. Various people are really convinced that ghostly apparitions hang around in the forest, and the locals completely refuse to set foot in it. Particularly since rumors of floating heads and voices emanating from the darkness started making the rounds. 
It all have started back in 1968 when “Alexandru Sift” took a picture inside the forest of what various continue to believe was a UFO. Another tenacious story tells of a shepherd venturing into the woods with 200 sheep, never to be seen or heard from again. Therefore, ongoing ghost hunts have turned up no sign as to what might be behind all the strange events taking place here, but paranormal specialists are not giving up the ghost just yet when it comes to studying Hoia Baciu and revealing its creepy secrets to the world. One legend says a five year old girl disappeared into the forest and didn't come out for five years and was wearing the same clothes she disappeared in 5 years ago. The forest has becomes famous among the paranormal and esoteric events experts & explorers from Germany, France, USA and Hungary visiting the Hoia Baciu Forest even during the communism and managing to catch some mysterious phenomena.

Saturday 17 October 2015

World Most Terrifying Bedroom with Halloween Buried in Airbnb in Paris

Are you brave enough to spend a night with Halloween buried in Airbnb in Paris? So, far it is believed that, the most terrifying bedroom on earth with more than six million human skeletons in an offer from Airbnb. Located south of the former city gate, the Catacombs of Paris contain the remains of millions of Parisians transferred there progressively between the late 18th and mid-19th centuries as City graveyards were closed due to public health risks. For most people, this is the stuff of nightmares, world largest grave a catacomb beneath Paris. Hence, for one night only, two brave people will be able to stay in macabre mastersuite for free, but before that, they must be proved their courageousness.

The evening will entail of a private tour of the labyrinth of Skulls, and bones and an intimidating culinary experience to the sound of violins and a bedtime storyteller who will read some catacombs legends before the pair sleep alongside the remains of Jean de la Fontaine, Charles Perrault and François Rabelais. Therefore, Airbnb paid up to 350,000 euros to privatize the tunnels on October 31 which are visited by more than 500,000 people a year. However, the house rules section on Airbnb, which lets people to rent a room or full home, warns visitors to 'respect the catacombs as you would your own grave.

Though, for a chance to be the first people to wake up alive in the catacombs, contenders must write and submit to Airbnb's page a story of 100 words maximum in English or in French explaining why they're courageous enough. The Country Manager Nicolas Ferrary, of Airbnb, said: After the unbelievable night in a ski lift 2,700 meters above the ground last year in Courchevel, Airbnb is now sending you 65 feet under Paris. Hence, our travellers are always on the lookout for original experiences and what could be more exclusive for Halloween than spending a night among the bones and ghosts below Paris.Source: Dailymail

Oman’s Breathtaking Forest, only Blooms for Three Months in a Year

The jungle of Oman’s revealed in a series of photographs, which is incredibly pop-up forest in desert only blooms for three months in a year. The oasis is located on a 155 mile stretch of land same to the length of Jamaica and at its deepest, the monsoon only extends about 18 miles from the shore. The Jungle of Arabia has amazing overnight transformation from arid desert to breathtaking rainforest. The sensation once in a year is really incredible to see from the end of July to the beginning of September, mainly known by Salalah Khareef, or the Salalah Monsoon, transforms a massive tract of land seemingly overnight into a striking emerald haven for locals and animals (including hundreds of camels). The average temperatures drop from a burning 50 degrees to a cool 20, however  dry conditions nine months of the year means that Salalah does not have enduring lakes or running rivers - nonetheless during the monsoon waterfalls can be seen flowing over the cliffs. Therefore, on the grassy hills of Salalah live the Jibbali people who have be inherent in there for hundreds of years.

A landscape architect Andrew Anderson at the Oman Botanic Garden sharing his experience, even the fog sometimes becomes so thick that you cannot see your hand in front of your face. The forested slopes of the escarpment are a true global marvel for 9 months of the year, although, they’re mostly barren and leafless, but during the monsoon, they turn into an amusing, green, sub-tropical forest, dense with vegetation and dripping with moisture. Indeed, this is scientifically a cloud forest but it is the only area in the world where this rich, wet cloud forest transforms to and from a dry, arid environment. After three months the land reheats and turns back into its dry and dusty former condition.