
Friday 8 September 2023

Pancuran Pitu, Jave Indonesia

Pitu shower in Baturraden, Purwokerto has a sulfur content that is said to cure disease. This Pitu shower has its own legend. Here's the story. This tourist location is located in the middle of a resin and pine forest which is about 2.5 km to the west of Lokawisata Baturraden, Purwokerto, Central Java. Access to this tourist attraction can be reached by using a private vehicle. The road that is passed is smooth asphalt even though some are damaged. Travelers can also walk with a distance of about 5 km from the Wana Wisata gate.
As the name implies, it is called Pancuran Pitu or in Indonesian it is Pancuran Tujuh because it has seven natural showers that flow directly from Mount Slamet. This hot spring contains elements of sulfur, temperatures between 70 degrees Celsius, and contains several mineral elements.
Hot spring deposits that are dried can produce sulfur powder. Its sulfur content is effectively used for the treatment of bone/rheumatism pain and various skin diseases such as tinea versicolor, ringworm, and others. Besides that, it can also be used for scrubs and masks to treat acne. Next to the Pitu Shower there is a grave of Mbah Atas Angin. Information from the counter keeper, there is a legend about Shower Pitu. There was a propagator of Islam named Sheikh Maulana Maghribi and a follower named Haji Datuk.
One morning they saw a mysterious light. They sailed on a ship and wanted to find out where this mysterious light came from. Arriving at Gresik Beach, East Java, the light appeared from the west. They sailed west and arrived at Pemalang Beach, Central Java. They then continued their journey on foot south.
Then, Sheikh Maulana suffered from itching and was difficult to cure. One night Sheikh Maulana got the inspiration that he had to go to Mount Gora. Upon arrival at Mount Gora, it turned out that there was a place emitting smoke. It turns out there is a hot spring there which has seven fountains. Sheikh Maulana decided to stay and seek treatment by taking regular baths from the hot spring and eventually his illness was completely cured.
Then Sheikh Maulana named the place Pancuran Pitu. Local residents call Sheikh Maulana Mbah Atas Angin because he comes from a distant country. Not far from Pancuran Pitu there is a path that travelers can follow to reach Selirang Cave. This Selirang cave is supplied with hot water which comes from the Pitu fountain. The rocks in Selirang Cave are also beautiful yellowish in color accompanied by puffs of smoke. When viewed from below it looks like a cave covered with a waterfall.

Source - CP

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